XVth European Futsal Championship for Priests

Timișoara, 13-17 February 2023

Campionatul European de Fotbal în Sală pentru Preoți, ediția a XV-a

Timișoara, 13-17 februarie 2023

Monday 13th February 2023

Till 18:00      accommodation at Hotel „Timișoara“

(Mărășești-Str. No. 1-3, close to the Opera House)

18:15            departure of the buses from the hotel to the Holy Mass

(Please, do not forget what is needed for the Holy Mass)

19:00            Pontifical High Mass – Sacred Heart Church of the Bulgarian Community

(Former Church of the Notre Dame School Sisters)

Main celebrant: His Excellency Iosif Csaba Pál, Bishop of Timișoara (Romania)

Homily: His Excellency dr. László Kiss-Rigó, Bishop of Szeged-Csanád (Hungary)

20:00            departure of the buses towards the Hotel „Timișoara“

20:30            dinner at the hotel

Tuesday 14th February 2023

07:00-09:00 breakfast at the hotel

09:00            departure to the Museum and Memorial of the Revolution from 1989 (on foot)

09:15            visit at the Museum and Memorial of the Revolution from 1989

10:00            transfer with buses to the church for the Holy Mass

(Please, do not forget what is needed for the Holy Mass)

10:30            Pontifical High Mass in the „Millennium“ Parish Church of the

Blessed Virgin, patroness of the Hungarians, Timişoara, Fabric District (II)

Main celebrant: His Excellency László Böcskei, Bishop of Oradea

11:30            transfer to the sports halls (with buses)

12:00            Matches:

Groups A+B – sports hall Sala UVT of the West-University of Timișoara

(Strada Popa Șapcă 5 // access can be made also from the Oituz-Street)

Groups C+D – sports hall Sala Sporturilor „Constantin Jude“

(former Sala Olimpia, Aleea F.C. Ripensia No. 7)

12:30-15:00  Lunches to be taken:

Groups A+B: in the Adam-Müller-Guttenbrunn Haus of the German Minority

(Gheorghe-Lazăr-Str. No. 10-12)

Groups C+D: in the Centrul Regional de Afaceri Timișoara

(Regional Business Center – Bv. Eroilor de la Tisa, No. 22 – across the street

from the sports hall Sala Sporturilor „Constantin Jude“)

19:15            departure of the buses from the sports hall Sala Sporturilor „Constantin Jude“ towards the hotel

20:30            dinner at the hotel

Wednesday 15th February 2023

07:00-09:00 breakfast at the hotel

09:15            departure of the buses towards Maria-Radna (distance: ca. 1,5 hours)

(Please, do not forget what is needed for the Holy Mass)

11:00            Pontifical High Mass in the Basilica Minor of Our Lady of Radna,

Our Holy Mother of Graces

Main celebrant: His Excellency dr. Gergely Kovács, Archbishop of Alba Iulia

12:00            visit of the Basilica, of the Pilgrimage Museum, of the calvary and of the

complex of the former franciscan monastery

12:45            lunch in the refectory and in the other halls of the monastery

14:00            departure of the buses towards back to Timișoara

15:30            free afternoon at the Iulius Town / Iulius Mall

18:30            possibility of visiting the Roman-Catholic Cathedral, the Dome of Saint George  

                      in Timișoara, and of its restoration and renovation works – optional

19:30            dinner at the hotel

Thursday 16th February 2023

07:00-09:00 breakfast at the hotel

09:00            departure to the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral (on foot)

09:10            visit at the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral and its Museum

10:00            departure to the church for the Holy Mass (on foot)

(Please, do not forget what is needed for the Holy Mass)

10:30            Pontifical High Mass in the Sacred Heart Church of the Parish in the

Elisabetin District (III) Timişoara. Main celebrant:

His Excellency Aurel Percă, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Bucharest

11:30            departure, by bus, to the sports hall Sala Sporturilor „Constantin Jude“

(former Sala Olimpia, Aleea F.C. Ripensia No. 7)

12:00            Semifinal and Final matches in the Sala Sporturilor „Constantin Jude“(former  

                      Sala Olimpia, Aleea F.C. Ripensia No. 7

12:30-15:00   lunch to be taken in the Centrul Regional de Afaceri Timișoara

(Regional Business Center – Bv. Eroilor de la Tisa, No. 22 – across the street

from the sports hall Sala Sporturilor „Constantin Jude“)

18:15            final ceremony in the sports hall Sala Sporturilor „Constantin Jude“(former  

                      Sala Olimpia, Aleea F.C. Ripensia No. 7

18:45            departure of the buses towards the Hotel „Timișoara“

19:30            festive dinner at the Hotel „Timișoara“

Friday 17th February 2023           

07:00-10:00 breakfast at the Hotel „Timișoara“

until   13:00   departure from the Hotel „Timișoara“